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Position paper: Doctor and medical student wellbeing

Avant media

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Working and taking care of self

Healthcare professionals who are physically and mentally well are fundamental to a world-leading healthcare system. When healthcare professionals are well, they respond better to the issues they are facing, treat patients better and have less medico-legal risk.

As a doctors’ organisation, Avant has firsthand experience of the health and well-being issues that healthcare professionals face.

Avant believes that to maintain their health and well-being, doctors need to have safe workplaces and access to appropriate support and services.

Avant’s position

Avant believes in:

  • playing a key role in raising awareness of health and well-being issues facing medical practitioners and students
  • supporting the maintenance of good physical, mental and workplace health and well-being
  • promoting appropriate responses to physical and psychosocial hazards in the workplace
  • assisting medical practitioners and students to access relevant health services
  • advocating strongly for properly funded, nationally consistent Doctors’ Health Advisory Services
  • collaborating with and supporting those who have their own well-being programmes
  • taking a proactive approach to well-being, to prevent stress from becoming distress and impairment
  • focussing on prevention but having systems in place to help members who need assistance
  • maximising the health and well-being of medical practitioners and students
  • advocating for medical practitioners with medical conditions to only have registration conditions imposed if they pose a risk to the public.

Avant’s support

Avant supports the well-being of healthcare professionals by:

  • providing access to the Well-Being Index in partnership with Beamtree
  • providing assistance through the Avant Medico-legal Advisory Service and the Avant personal support program
  • advocating on behalf of health professionals in submissions to government on issues which impact healthcare professionals
  • meeting with Ahpra and other regulatory bodies to ensure that regulators are focussed on the impact which claims and complaints have on the well-being of healthcare professionals.

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