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8 essential staff training modules for better practice management

Regular staff training is a crucial part of running a safe healthcare practice – for your team and your patients. External training can be time-consuming and expensive, but with an online practice management platform like PracticeHub, you can assign and monitor staff learning on-site for greater efficiency.

Eight learning modules to upskill your staff and keep your practice compliant

PracticeHub includes eight training modules developed by practice management experts and reviewed by Avant legal, clinical and risk experts, representing some of the most common policies and procedures categories where lapses can expose a practice to risk.

Patient health records

This module covers the use of approved identifiers, the importance of applying the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) to the use and disclosure of personal information (APP6) and access to personal information (APP12) when transferring records to third parties or in response to patients requesting access. The module also covers the security of physical and electronic records to minimise the risk of misuse or access by unauthorised persons.

Privacy and confidentiality

This module covers the legislation and APPs, IT security, technology and privacy, as well as the importance of visual and auditory privacy in your practice.

Patient communication

Staff learn interpersonal and communication skills and strategies to communicate effectively with patients. The module outlines ways to encourage continuity of care using the appointment management system. Patient feedback is critically important for identifying opportunities for improvement. The learning module outlines the process to manage patient complaints to minimise patient anxiety and hostility.

Appointment management 

This module focuses on the importance of accommodating appointments for patients with urgent, non-urgent, complex and chronic conditions, using an appropriate appointment system depending on the type of practice.

It includes the importance of patient triage, with training and resources to support the process, as well as the importance of approved identifiers when booking and checking in patients. Staff will also understand the risks of not having fail-safe procedures in place to track and action Did Not Attends (DNAs) and cancelled appointments, including for recalls and follow-up appointments.

Risk management 

This module focuses on identifying, assessing and prioritising risk and ways to minimise, monitor and control the probability and/or impact of adverse events. It covers the many types of risk including clinical, business, reputational, security and legal risks and outlines steps the organisation should take in the event of an adverse event.

Risks around recalls and follow-up for test results, referrals and notifying the patient are also included.

Infection control

This module covers the whole-of-practice approach to protecting staff and patients from infection through immunisation, hand hygiene and management of occupational exposure to blood or body fluids.

It includes a focus on the importance of complying with legislation regarding the management of waste and sharps disposal. It outlines the importance and types of environmental cleaning and disinfection required to minimise the transmission of infection, as well as the handling and use of hazardous substances.

Work Health and Safety (WHS)

This module defines the terms used in the WHS Act and related regulations, such as ‘Person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)’, ‘Officer’, ‘Worker’, ‘Others’, ‘reasonably practicable’ and the six areas covered by the Act.

The module also focuses on the ways in which all team members can contribute to creating a safe workplace by identifying hazards and risks and applying a duty of care to themselves, their colleagues, patients and others. It covers important WHS areas of manual handling, fire safety and protection.

Organisational culture

In this module, staff learn about the legislative and regulatory requirements relating to bullying, harassment and discrimination, as well as the National Employment Standards and other Codes of Conduct for healthcare practitioners. The module also highlights the importance of following organisational codes of conduct and personal presentation.

Quiz and Certificate

Each module includes a quiz to test knowledge and identify gaps and opportunities for development. A record and certificate are generated on successful completion, giving staff a sense of achievement and incentive.

Audit trail enhances compliance

A full audit trail of the training modules clearly records the assignment and completion of the training. This acts as evidence that your practice provides training, which you can use towards accreditation. And with electronic sign-off of the related policies and procedures, your practice can minimise its risk.

By tracking training plans and progress in PracticeHub’s centralised dashboard, you can monitor training progress and keep your team accountable, which is peace of mind for you.

Regular updates keep you current

The learning modules are regularly updated to reflect changes in legislation and standards, helping keep your practice current and compliant.

Combining learning modules with role-specific induction and compliance programs simplifies the onboarding of new team members and future staff training and development.

Find out how  PracticeHub’s learning modules improve your daily operations.

Book a demo or call 1300 469 866.


This article is not comprehensive and does not constitute legal or medical advice. You should seek legal or other professional advice before relying on its content, and practise proper clinical decision making with regard to the individual circumstances. Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this article must exercise their own independent skill or judgement or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published. © Avant Mutual Group Limited 2024.

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