North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

Through lobbying, negotiation and education with political leaders and health bodies, Avant takes an advocacy role to represent member interests and those of the profession as a whole. 

This page is regularly updated with Avant's submissions as they become available.

Select a category to see submissions

30/03/2023 Avant submission to consultation on amendments to medicines monitored by Victoria’s Real Time Prescription Monitoring system

29/03/2023 Avant submission to the ACSQHC national arrangement for clinical quality registries

18/11/2022 Avant submission to the inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infection

09/04/2021 Avant submission to Consultation on Victorian candour and open disclosure guidelines and proposed model for clinical incident review protections

07/03/2018 Avant submission to TGA consultation on prescription strong opioid use March 2018

12/05/2017 Avant submission to Guardianship Act review question paper 5

13/04/2017 Avant submission regarding the Private Health Facilities Regulation 2017 - Queensland cosmetic surgery

30/01/2017 Avant submission to NSW Ministry of Health on ante mortem interventions for organ donation in NSW

04/04/2016 Avant submission to review of RACGP Standards for General Practice

21/03/2016 Avant preliminary submissions on review of the Guardianship Act 1987

03/02/2016 Avant submission to NSW Health discussion paper on regulation of facilities carrying out cosmetic surgery

24/07/2015 Avant submission to Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Consultation on the Proposed General Practice Accreditation Scheme

29/05/2015 Avant submission to Medical Board of Australia's Consultation on registered medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures

29/01/2015 Avant submission to AHPRA consultation on revised guidelines for the supervised practice of international medical graduates (IMGs)

15/12/2014 Avant submission to revision of the NSW Health Policy Directive Consent to Medical Treatment - Patient Information

03/10/2014 Avant comments on AHPRA consultation on Guidelines for the regulatory management of registered health practitioners and students infected with blood-borne viruses

25/08/2014 Avant submission to the NSW Attorney-General's review of the Coroners Act 2009

28/06/2014 Avant submission to AHPRA consultation on Core Registration Standards

21/05/2014 Avant submission to the Productivity Commission’s draft report on Access to Justice Arrangements

20/12/2013 Avant submission to AHPRA Consultation on Review of Registration Standards: Criminal History and English Language Skills

07/11/2013 Avant letter to AHPRA consultation on international criminal history checking

27/09/2013 Avant letter to the Medical Board of Australia's consultation on the Draft Revised Good Medical Practice: A Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia

12/07/2013 Avant submission to Treasury's Reform to deductions for education expenses discussion paper

30/05/2013 Avant submission to AHPRA consultation on Guidelines and Policy

09/04/2013 Avant submission on AHPRA consultation on the Proposed National Registration & Accreditation Scheme Data Access and Research Policy

16/08/2013 Avant submission to AHPRA consultation on international criminal history checks

03/08/2013 Avant submission to the Review of the Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Act

24/10/2024 Avant submission to the independent review of complexity of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme

17/10/2024 Avant submission to Ahpra’s public consultation on guidance on developing professional capabilities

03/10/2024 Avant submission to Medical Board’s public consultation on health checks for late career doctors

30/07/2024 Avant submission to Medical Board's public consultation on the review of the criminal history registration standard

03/07/2024 Avant submission to Medical Board’s public consultation on draft revised specialist registration standard

29/02/2024 Avant submission to Ahpra’s consultation on the regulation of health practitioners who perform and advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures

23/02/2024 Avant submission to consultation on proposed reforms to Health Practitioner Regulation National Law

25/05/2023 Avant submission to ACSQHC consultation on Cosmetic Surgery Standards

17/02/2023 Avant submission to the Medical Board of Australia's public consultation on telehealth guidelines

31/01/2023 Avant submission to public consultation on Ahpra’s data strategy

9/12/2022 Avant submission to consultation on regulation of medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures

01/06/2022 Avant Submission on the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

14/04/2022 Avant submission to Ahpra to the Independent review of the regulation of medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery

01/04/2022 Avant submission on the consultation Regulatory Impact Statement on the use of the title ‘surgeon’

18/05/2021 Avant submission on revised regulatory principles for the National Scheme

14/05/2021 Avant submission to community affairs committee inquiry into Ahpra and related entities

13/12/2019 Avant Submission - Public consultation on a draft proposed Supervised practice framework

26/11/2019 Avant submission - Public consultation on revised guidelines for advertising a regulated health service

1/11/2019 Avant submission - Public consultation on guidelines for registered health practitioners and students in relation to blood borne viruses

30/6/2019 Avant submission - Public consultation on complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments

31/10/2018 Avant submission to National Law review tranche 2 consultation

16/8/2018 Avant submission on the Draft revised Good medical practice - A code of conduct for doctors in Australia

29/3/2018 Avant submission to Medical Board of Australia Draft revised guidelines Sexual boundaries in the doctor-patient relationship

7/12/2017 Avant Submission to the Victorian consultation on a statutory duty of candour

10/07/2017 Avant Submission regarding the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017

23/02/2017 Avant submission to inquiry into the complaints mechanism under the National Law

5/12/2016 Avant submission to Expert Advisory Group interim report on revalidation 

5/10/2016 Avant submission to independent review of chaperones

08/08/2016 Avant submission on Queensland Parliament Inquiry into Health Ombudsman's function

23/06/2016 Avant submission on draft Health Practitioner Regulation (NSW) 2016

17/08/2015 Avant submission on NSW Health's discussion paper on the Statutory Review of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW)

10/10/2014 Avant submission to the Independent Review of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Professions

24/06/2013 Avant submission to the Health and Community Services Committee with respect to the Health Ombudsman Bill 2013

11/04/2013 Avant submission to the Minister for Health with respect to the review into the Performance of the QBMBA, MBA and AHPRA

04/03/2013 Avant submission to the Victorian Legal and Social Issues Committee Inquiry into the Performance of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

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