We are currently processing payments for Medical Indemnity 1 January 2025 renewals. Please note that your cover is not impacted and you can continue to practice. You can access your documents, including your Confirmation Certificate which can be provided as evidence of cover, via the Medical Indemnity Member Login.

Gaining patient consent

Gaining patient consent can be challenging, but represents an important opportunity to ensure your patient understands the benefits and risks of a procedure. In this 5 minute video Kim Bowers, a Senior Solicitor at Avant, discusses your consent obligations and outlines the key elements of a sound consent process. This includes the concept of consent being a process not a form.

Sunday, 30 June 2019


Our CPD courses for Avant members

Tick off some CPD hours and learn more with our in-depth eLearning courses, free for Avant members. Our courses include education activities, reviewing performance and measuring outcomes. 

Learn now

Need support?

Dealing with a medico-legal issue can be stressful. Find out how Avant and other organisations can help.

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