North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

Members Only
Illustration of doctor with head in hand at desk

Prescribing principles: Part two – opioids and other drugs of dependence

This course examines considerations when prescribing opioids or other drugs of dependence. It builds on the course covering general prescribing requirements.Prescribing drugs of dependence has a range of additional clinical and legal requirements. Approximately 1 in 17 Avant claims and complaints involved opioid prescribing practices. This eLearning course explores the medicolegal obligations and outlines ways in which you can reduce your risk.

This is a members only course. Already a member? Click 'Start Course' to begin.

Course Details

Course duration

90 minutes

Credit value

This activity is approved in the 2023-25 Triennium for the following hours and types: "Educational Activities": 1, "Reviewing Performance": 0.5, "Measuring Outcomes": 0.

Completion requirement

80% pass mark required for completion


RAGCP approved activity 607758
RAGCP approved activity 607758
ACRRM approved activity 31370
ACRRM approved activity 31370
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