North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

Stethoscope on patient files

Deceased patients' medical records

What are your confidentiality and privacy obligations when a patient is deceased? Who, if anyone, can you share the medical records with? Find out this and more in chapter two of our medical records podcast series.

Thursday, 31 January 2019

Our Medico-legal advisers frequently receive questions on the topic of medical records. In this podcast series Georgie Haysom, the Head of Education Research and Advocacy at Avant, chats with Ruanne Brell, senior solicitor with our Medico-legal Advisory Service, about some of the common situations that can cause you concern.

Our CPD courses for Avant members

Tick off some CPD hours and learn more with our in-depth eLearning courses, free for Avant members. Our courses include education activities, reviewing performance and measuring outcomes. 

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Need support?

Dealing with a medico-legal issue can be stressful. Find out how Avant and other organisations can help.

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