We are currently processing payments for Medical Indemnity 1 January 2025 renewals. Please note that your cover is not impacted and you can continue to practice. You can access your documents, including your Confirmation Certificate which can be provided as evidence of cover, via the Medical Indemnity Member Login.

‘First home buyers’ webinar

Our ‘First home buyers’ webinar brings together a panel of finance, legal and property experts to guide you through the opportunities and challenges associated with purchasing your first property. A recording of the webinar is available for those who missed it or would like to rewatch.

‘First home buyers’ webinar

Topics covered include:

• What to consider when buying a property.
• The importance of having an investor mindset.
• Pros and cons of buying versus renting in regional or rural areas.
• Loan structures, facilities, and terminology.
• Servicing loans and the criteria lenders are looking for in an application.
• Common pitfalls.
• Ownership types and property documentation.
• Due diligence, disclosure and risk minimisation.
• Finding the products and services to meet your specific needs.

Contact Details

Brady Yoshia –CEO, Founder & Senior Buyers Advisor L.R.E.A. | Brady Marcs Buyers Advisory
M: 0414 805 305

Richard Krupic – Relationship Director | Avant Finance
M: 0429 304 119

Michael Pignat – Relationship Director | Avant Finance
M: 0487 420 894

Lindsay McGregor – Partner & Head of Property | Avant Law
M: 0447 054 611


The information provided in this presentation is not comprehensive and does not constitute legal, financial or medical advice. You should seek legal or other professional advice before relying on any content, and practise proper clinical decision making with regard to the individual circumstances. Persons implementing any recommendations discussed in this presentation must exercise their own independent skill or judgement or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Neither Avant nor Avant Finance is responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date of the presentation.

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